The Newport beach Christmas boat Parade 2024

The Newport beach Christmas boat Parade 2023?

Happy holidays and welcome to the 115th annual Newport Beach Boat Parade Los Angeles we’re going to bring you all the sights and Newport beach Christmas boat Parade sounds of this Orange County holiday tradition from its stored past to where it is today and our Michelle is live in Marina Park a prime viewing spot for the parade Newport beach Christmas boat Parade.

We’re going to check in with her in just a bit but first oh there she is with her lights of glow but first our Desmond Shaw that’s right has the best view in the house this evening Dez happy holidays to you and Newport beach Christmas boat Parade to you Pat this is one of my absolute favorite things to cover throughout the year to come down to the Newport Beach Boat Parade we were here last night to kick off the fix the festivities where they had fireworks displays.

They’re going to have fireworks on the closing night as well on Sunday but the 115th annual I can’t believe I’m saying that 115th annual of this humble beginnings I was reading on their website Newport beach Christmas boat Parade what started with about a dozen boats or so that was had some rather simple decorations and look where we are uh in year 115 where you’ve got Yachts Mega Yachts uh you’ve got some little kayaks out there boats of all sizes.

All different types of the decorations all kinds of different themes there’s a outer space themed boat I’ll be showing you in a little bit which is my personal favorite there’s of course a grinch boat Newport beach Christmas boat Parade there’s a Snoopy boat there’s even a boat that has some pyrot Technics out there so folks really do go all out when it comes to the Newport Beach Boat Parade.

It’s got to be one of the most fun times of the year now here here’s that little boat I was talking about right here you can see they’ve got what looks like uh kind of some some TIY torches on both sides and uh they also it also erupts in some pillars of fire uh we will see see if we can catch that throughout uh the evening here.

So many cool boats to show you and you know what’s cool is that you know you can come and and join this yourself you can book a cruise on one of the little boats that goes around the harbor uh in the parade route there use also Vantage points along the sand or at the restaurants lots of different ways to see this over the coming week if there is one city in Southern California that knows how to do the holidays Newport beach Christmas boat Parade.

What day is the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade?

The Newport beach Christmas boat Parade 2023?

It is Newport Peach that’s for sure Pat oh you know what that looks so beautiful and festive and the fact Dez that you can actually see the parade Newport beach Christmas boat Parade yourself on the water yourself that’s beautiful right there all decked out in lilac and and red oh yeah uh I think that might be one of the boats I think I just saw one of the ones right.

Where they’re they’re kind of getting into all the action but uh I was reading too that you know it’s not uncommon for the owners of some of these boats to spend more than $10,000 in decorations and Newport beach Christmas boat Parade Newport beach Christmas boat Parade it’s almost like turned into a Christmas arms R of sorts between the owners of these boats I mean look at all of the crazy decorations on this.

You’ve got uh you know floats on it there you got a polar bear on this one right here I’m going to show you a grinch boat in a little bit there’s Newport beach Christmas boat Parade Santa Claus there one of these boats even has its own uh snow display with snow coming out of the chimney where Santa Claus is it’s really really impressive Pat.

I it’s really really amazing thing to see from the sky that’s a that’s amazing that’s like a Rose Parade uh on the water okay Newport beach Christmas boat Parade okay well Dez we’re going to get right back to you in just a second but you know we’re going to go to someone who who who knows this parade better than anybody and that is Michelle in fact Michelle was last year’s Grand Marshall.

She is a staple of the Orange County community in her own right all right so Michelle take it all in and take us there you’ve got that front row seat to all these colorful boats as they pass by Newport beach Christmas boat Parade you’re in Marina Park and you’ve got a premier spot to watch the parade for the public Michelle I love the ears the lights everything about it on you.

I just had to stop Pat and uh get a few Christmas decor uh bits of decorations for my hair tonight and I’m going to switch them out as we continue here on this uh this show I’m so excited to be at Marina Park as you mentioned last year I was the Grand Marshall and I know we’ll talk a little bit about that later and that was probably one of the highlights of my life of course after the birth of my two beautiful daughters.

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Does Newport Beach have Christmas lights?

The Newport beach Christmas boat Parade 2023?

So fun to represent this is the city that I live in um to represent it in its premere uh parade now Marina Park as you said is along the baloa peninsula and Newport beach Christmas boat Parade this is one of the best spots um to come view the parade there’s a huge grass area here and we’re right on the shore of Newport Bay there’s plenty of sand to plop a chair down on.

That’s what the family behind me has done believe it or not the Mannings came from Fairbanks Alaska Grandma of course lives a little bit closer Laura you’re in lagona beach but you’ve got your daughter and your beautiful granddaughters here Newport beach Christmas boat Parade uh is this your first time seeing this parade no I come every year and we come at the spot it’s the best spot so what’s your favorite part about it.

I just love the lights the music our Church actually has a boat uh you know the a boat on the parade and so it’s kind of cool all right little Raven here Newport beach Christmas boat Parade she’s borrowing my reindeer ears Raven who do you think you’re going to see in the parade tonight Santa.

oh I he better be here I’m going to shoot over to mom who’s taking care of the little sister so you’ve never seen this parade what has your mom shared with you about Newport beach Christmas boat Parade it um just the memories right so it it seems to be that it’s a an annual tradition for this community.

She’s been loving living in this community for the past several years maybe decade so um we’re excited to share it with her now coming from Alaska you don’t have a puffy coat on like I do sandals yeah oh you’re wearing sandals yeah Newport beach Christmas boat Parade so it’s really not that cold out tonight but you’re you’re unfazed by it no not phased at all it was negative 20.

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Is it free to watch Newport Beach boat parade?

The Newport beach Christmas boat Parade 2023?

when we left Fairbanks so well enjoy the parade thank you so Newport beach Christmas boat Parade much for joining us here tonight at the you’re wearing crops well good for you Raven good for you have fun make sure to leave my reindeer ears there by Newport beach Christmas boat Parade Santa sleigh so again as we said Pat we’re here at Marina Park just loving it but another thing that we really have to pay attention.

I know Desmond is going to do a great job tonight showing us are all the homes on the bay Newport beach Christmas boat Parade they’re competing in this as well they are awarded different prizes for the most beautifully decorated house as a matter of fact one this year on Little B Bo island has an a race car on the front lawn so it is.

So impressive if you if you aren’t viewing the parade you should be walking around places like Balboa Island or the Balboa Peninsula and looking at all the decorations on the homes because Newport beach Christmas boat Parade they’re equally impressive here in Newport Beach you know what Michelle that sounds like the place to be I’m going to have to try to arrange to be out there with you next.

Here okay oh I love it and I’ll bring some reindeer ears for you got it you got it okay Michelle stand by yep the parade actually started last night with a spectacular firework show and after tonight Newport beach Christmas boat Parade it will go on for the next three nights about 100 boats of all shapes and sizes make up the parade as Michelle and Desmond have been showing you everything from kayaks to 100t super Yachts.

Now here’s a look at the parade route as the boats wind their way through Newport beach Christmas boat Parade Newport Harbor the route starts at the tip of Leo Isle and it ends in the same spot that’s about 14 miles and it takes about 3 hours from start to finish you can watch from almost anywhere along the shoreline for free but you better bring a jacket because it’s a chilly evening out there and our Danny Rarity is here with your parade forecast hey Danny hey.

Where is the Naples Christmas boat parade Newport beach Christmas boat Parade?

I know for us in Southern California this is cold maybe not for someone Alaska you heard that little young lady from Alaska Newport beach Christmas boat Parade right I got my Crocs on yeah Crocs no problem I know for us though yeah you’re going to want to grab the jacket and this is a beautiful live look right now oh my goodness look at some of these homes and Michelle mentioned those homes right.

There on the water also competing and just decked out and Newport beach Christmas boat Parade it’s so neat to see that and how creative people get and what a way just to spend time with family but let’s talk about your forecast for tonight and over the next couple days temperatures diving quickly.

We’re going to stay dry with a few clouds out there this evening low 60s for the next several hours dropping to the upper 50s so Newport beach Christmas boat Parade I’d say yeah jacket if you can grab some hot cocoa oh my goodness that’s going to make all the difference now Newport beach Christmas boat Parade going into the next couple days here’s the good news things are going to be staying dry and clear so late afternoons as you’re getting ready to jump into the evenings will be in the low 60s.

Friday mid 60s on Saturday and then temperatures will start dropping quickly as the parade gets started so make sure you keep the jackets handy those extra layers now on Sunday I you’re seeing a chance for rain it looks less and less likely and Newport beach Christmas boat Parade that it’s going to be pushing in way late at night after the parade is done so it does look like if you’re uh gearing up to go Sunday night you’re going to be in the clear and not dealing with the rain out.

So things are going to be looking good all weekend long just grab the jacket um and stay warm with some hot cocoa a couple extra layers and as long as you’re Newport beach Christmas boat Parade with family and friends it is going to be a beautiful evening Pat and you know what Danny it’s nothing like being prepared right exactly be a Girl Scout or a Boy Scout that’s Newport beach Christmas boat Parade right okay thank thank you Danny and you know we are just getting started folks on our streaming special of the 115th annual.

How long is Newport Beach boat parade?

Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade we’re going to check back with Michelle jie in just a minute she has the fun and the festive assignment of talking with Spectators oh and the little ones okay Michelle but we Newport beach Christmas boat Parade leave you with all these beautiful and colorful pictures from Sky Cal stay with us we’ll be right back [Music] welcome back to theth annual Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade streaming Los Angeles.

The best seat in the house along with us tonight well well maybe Desmond Shaw does he is live in Sky Cal bringing us all all of these incredible images that we’re seeing tonight good evening Dez good evening Pat indeed it is really hard to beat the seat up in here Newport beach Christmas boat Parade in Sky Cal definitely very fortunate to be able to uh bring this to you as we can just kind of pan around to all of the ships.

So there’s I understand that there’s uh I think six different categories of boats for that they compete in I imagine that one of them is by size I’m not sure Newport beach Christmas boat Parade what all the categories are I’m sure Michelle could speak to that but if there is a boat that it has the the where the award is the most unique boat this has got to be the one right.

Here the solar system theme boat you’ve got all the planets of our solar system here from Mercury up and through Neptune and then check out Newport beach Christmas boat Parade this I love this feature right here you’ve got what looks like some singers last night I know they were in a choir and they’ve got the UFO getting ready to beam them up right there.

Where is Newport Beach Festival?

So I I love that you got a rocket ship right there on top as well it’s got to be the most unique boat that I have seen in the five or so years that I’ve been covering this one as Newport beach Christmas boat Parade we’ll go up ahead to the boat in front this is a it got a polar bear I think up there in top where actually that’s Santa Claus and thousands of Lights there’s apparently millions of Lights total on all of these boats more than a 100 boats that are out here on this 14m Parade route.

Here’s another one that might be a competitor for Best in Show right here so look at this it’s got snow coming out of the chimney right there Newport beach Christmas boat Parade Santa Claus on top so many lights this is definitely the most visible boat out here in the harbor tonight uh this is also one of my top boats that I’ve seen but we’ve got tons of other ones to show you out here.

I still want to get one of that little boat that they called the Disco Dragon uh shooting flames out the sides they’re not doing it uh consistently so hopefully we can get that on camera uh at some point but just so so cool and then obviously all the homes to go along with Newport beach Christmas boat Parade it here hundreds of homes almost every home in Newport Beach has got lights on them of some sort but that’s you know a separate competition as well the Ring of Lights for some of the homes that really really go uh over the top as we come here near the end of the bay where they turn back around.

So here’s the Disco Dragon again this is the one that has uh the the Flames that can come out the front you’ve got Snoopy there right in the front of the boat as well Snoopy Christmas disco Dragon so so fun you know like it’s it doesn’t have to be a mega yacht to to get a lot of attention out here some of the smaller boats are very very cool as well Pat you’re talking about U.

what imaginations and create its out there but I’m with you Dez so far but I you know also like that that real that technical uh display that you showed us for the first time he that’s the first time you’ve you’ve seen that boat that was Newport beach Christmas boat Parade um that was pretty special with the the spaceship and that was pretty amazing but I like this one too I like the fire shooting out all the color yeah.

How many boats are in the Newport Beach boat parade?

I mean it’s just incredible how how how do they come up with with this you know with with these different themes so clever look at this one instead of you’ve got dolphins on this boat right here leading Santa sleigh so that’s another super Newport beach Christmas boat Parade super clever uh design that they had and then I just saw oh here we go now we’re getting some of some of the Flames going here.

they’re starting to show off a little bit as they come in front of some of the restaurants I think uh I’m sure you know they have a a fuel supply of propane that they have to manage but you know just making sure that that they can can plan all of that out and like when Newport beach Christmas boat Parade to shoot the fire and to make sure that it can be done safely I mean there’s again just.

So much planning uh that goes into this you know it’s uh it’s just beyond words so so impressive Pat no question and what a way to spend an evening de Newport beach Christmas boat Parade I can imagine being at a restaurant down there you know with the glass window looking out seeing all of this but I’m telling you next year next year Danny and I are G to be down at Newport okay.

I was plotting to try to come down here this weekend so uh we’ll see if I’m able to make it down oh I don’t blame you I don’t blame you Dez but you’re giving us such a wonderful view from the sky but we’re going to get back down on the ground now and check with Newport beach Christmas boat Parade Michelle jeely she’s live at Marina Park and Michelle you’ve been covering this parade for years what stands out to you the most.

I say you’ve got some new ears you’re making a costume change or fashion all right dear yes yes I’m I’m going to change every block for you Pat to keep keep it interesting here um Newport beach Christmas boat Parade I think what stands out Desmond already hit on it is the creativity and the time that these boat owners and the homeowners spend decorating their houses.

How many boats are in the Newport Beach boat parade?

This isn’t you know my house has kind of the 60s light strand no big deal although my tree is beautiful but these people really go over the top with all kinds of Christmas decor and Newport beach Christmas boat Parade lights and you know the parties on these boats I have been lucky enough to been in invited to a few of these parties the champagne is Flowing they’ve got catered dinners in some some cases they are having the time of their lives and the same could be said.

Here for Marina park it is really turning into kind of a a Disneyland type atmosphere and as I look up at the um the buildings here I know that Wells Fargo is having one of its uh Newport beach Christmas boat Parade company dinners company parties because this is you know like going to the Super Bowl to be invited to a boat parade party and to be able to stand on the shore or on someone’s dock to see this.

It’s a really big deal and um these decorations go up by the way Pat at Thanksgiving so we’ve been enjoying this for several weeks now um I have to introduce you to a gentleman who I grabbed just down the row here he is sitting with his mom and it was so sweet and Newport beach Christmas boat Parade he is here all the way from Michigan this is your first boat parade very first boat parade hopefully not the last cuz it’s really really interesting out there.

What do you expect I expect to see a lot of lights and absolutely no swimming and where in Michigan are you from I’m from Milford just outside of Detroit the most beautiful city in America I’m noticing that you’re wearing your Hawaiian shirt a nod to our Newport beach Christmas boat Parade s surf culture here among other things yes yes so your mom is here she’s a little bit down the road yes.

What time is the Newport parade?

Hi Mom she’s she’s in her wheelchair there enjoying it so how did you make the plan to come here with her well I wanted to come visit her before the holidays and she found out about the boat parade and said just wanted to do it.

So I said great well let’s go and here we are so the boats are just now making their way on the other side of the channel there and they’re going to be by us in just a few minutes as you peek so Newport beach Christmas boat Parade far I mean it’s pretty impressive isn’t it there are the big ones and the little ones and it’s like you know Goldilocks and the Three Bears huh yeah so many different designs different types of sails different types of lights.

It’s really really creative like you said very very different boats all around do they do anything like this in Michigan we do uh although the boats probably need to be up on skates to sail across the ice right now all right well enjoy yourself in sunny Southern California Newport beach Christmas boat Parade I wish you a merry Christmas and happy holidays and tell your mom hello and thank you for coming to our Crown Jewel of Newport Beach well thank you.

It’s been lovely to have be here and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season as well thank you have fun so Pat all kinds of people just like this gentleman here I met a couple who drove in from San Louis just a few hours ago this is their first boat parade they said they’ve Newport beach Christmas boat Parade checked into a hotel and they’re so excited and I asked them why they hadn’t come before and they said because we were working.

Now we’re retired so now we can enjoy all these things that California has to offer so Newport Beach is waiting for all of you retirees out there uh get in your car and make sure to make this trip and Pat you don’t live that far away so make sure you come next year oh you know what Michelle already we are plotting on that already.

Where is the best place to watch the Naples boat parade?

That’s for sure Michelle Pat is already planting the seeds well then I got Michelle on the lookout for me exactly we can do a show on location absolutely Michelle would love to do that with you you know that okay well yes I know you can hear her joining us now is Danny Roberto she’s a new member to our news team but not new to Southern California.

Were born and raised here and you know all about the parade yeah I was just a hop jump in a skip away in San Clen which is where I grew up and so I have so many family and friends in Newport Beach and I’d spend so much time there and you know it’s just a way to bring people together Newport beach Christmas boat Parade which I love Pat um and seeing families come come together and friends come together.

What I love is also how proud people feel um about what they’re demonstrating and showing off look at that I mean it is incredible to me Pat the way they put these lights together I are those some of the homes yes I think those are the homes right there and Newport beach Christmas boat Parade that’s something that’s changed over the years more and more the homes getting involved it’s not just the boats.

So it’s almost like you’re going there and you’re in a Hallmark movie I was you that’s what I was going to say I was going to say winter wonderland but with lights I Newport beach Christmas boat Parade mean that’s just just beautiful and just to have that for the weekend at of the lights on the homes will be throughout the holiday.

I’m what what an event and something if you’re not from here to plan on doing and even if you are from here and if you’ve never been down yeah it’s not too late I mean if that doesn’t put you in the uh Christmas spirit I don’t know what does exactly I know and I feel like it just puts you in the right mindset when you’re seeing all these lights you’re like all right.

It’s time to celebrate all the good it’s time to give it’s time to be with family and friends and just share the love and share the love and we need more of that you know we certainly and so they’re doing that and I think it just makes um our community so unique when we see something like this because not everybody can do boat parades like this well you know.

What time does the Naples Christmas Parade start?

I was listening to the gentleman from Michigan where I’m from but he said yeah more than likely you would have it would be out on the ice ice and that wouldn’t work but look at this I don’t know we can’t really pick our favorite one so far because all of them but can you imagine you know maybe Michelle can tell us about this.

I’m just wondering yeah who actually judges exactly how many do they have right yes and also how long do you think it takes oh boy I mean it depends on the boat like if we’re talking a yacht this thing might take yeah quite a bit of time but I mean you got to any of them though really yeah but some of those yeah that’s like creating a movie set okay well you know what folks.

We haven’t forgot about the history of the Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade we’ve got some pictures to show you in fact it dates back to the nearly or to the early 1900s and coming up we will be joined by a very special guest so stay with us you’re watching the 115th annual Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade on ARSANNEWX Los Angeles.

We’ll be right back ooh that’s a nice one oh I like it hi [Music] Frosty [Music] welcome back I’m Pat Harvey the Newport Beach Christmas book parade has a storied past and a bright future it started with humble beginnings in the year 1907 if you can believe it the tradition began with a man who just wanted to take people on a gondola ride across the bay and boy look where it is now 115 years later.

One of the Premier parades in the entire country but who better to fill us in on all the details that oura Michelle she has a very special guest with her tonight someone who knows how this now huge holiday event came to be Michelle and I it’s not I don’t miss it your third set of ears tonight right Pat.

What time does the Naples boat parade start?

I’m glad that you’re noticing yes this gentleman to my right knows everything not only about the boat parade but about Newport Beach Steve rosansky is with me and we’re going to talk a little bit about a few surprises that are coming over the next couple of days so if you’re watching this you definitely want to come down this weekend at the boat parade right of course.

What’s happening this weekend so uh Saturday night on our Grand Marshall boat we’re going to bring the rose Queen and Rose Court down from past they’re going to be out there on the water doing shout outs to all the residents lining the shore and we’ve got a Dr a drone show Friday and Saturday night over the bboa Bay Resort I think two times uh we also have a band uh on a boat and it’s kind of leading the parade uh Rolling Stones coverband.

So if you’re into MC Jagger you want to get down here all right you’ve got a big fireworks show as the uh boat parade ends on Sunday yes uh we always have the opening night as fireworks and then closing night at 900 p.m. roughly will be closing Night fireworks on Sunday so tell us Steve a couple of things that we never knew about the boat parade well.

I recently just found out a few things about the boat parade so apparently the Chamber of Commerce of which I’m the president CEO is been doing the boat parade since 1927 the the boat the boat parade actually started in 1907 but since 1927 chamber’s been in charge of organizing and hosting it and uh so I’m looking forward to our 100y year anniversary in a few years.

I hope you’ll come back yeah and also you know here we’re loving the Christmas theme and the Christmas spirit but but another secret fact is the fact that sometimes during some of the years this happened during the summer that’s true the over the 115 years of the parade um it transitioned sometimes.

What are the dates for Newport Beach parade?

It had been in the summer there’s some decades when it was in the summer and then I don’t know exactly when it went to a full-on Christmas parade but U it’s been that way for a long time um when we look out at it just one is more beautiful than the next how much time do these Boat Owners spend uh setting this up.

I mean they really want to one up their neighbor don’t they they do I’ll tell you there’s some some people I see them putting on their decorations last minute there’s some people that really some of the bigger boats they’ll start figuring out their scheme or whatever they’re going to do this year like April and you’re designing.

It some people have stuff craned onto boats I mean it’s a it’s a huge investment of time and money and and uh we love it you know it’s a a full-on volunteer effort it’s fun to see the boats go by and when they have the lights on in the cabin tell us what’s happening inside there well I don’t know I don’t know what happens below deck but I know above deck uh lots of Lights music uh some uh the floats have bands on them.

They’re having parties they’re having parties yeah yeah I mean that’s a part of this isn’t it we’ll leave it at that they’re having parties and Steve you’re off to your party I love your new Santa shirt for this year’s Boat Parade so thank you another job well done Pat this is so much fun you don’t have to be on a boat to enjoy it here on the shore it’s just as beautiful oh and Michelle you are part of the beautiful festivities that are going on down there.

Why I’m sure people also are enjoying themselves so wonderful job congratulations on being Grand Marshal that last year and guiding us through this wonderful bat parade tonight and I hope to see you very soon my friend thank you Merry Christmas yes and thank you all so much for being part of our streaming special on CBS news Los Angeles of the 115th annual Newport Beach Christmas Boat Parade.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as we have remember the parade goes on until Sunday night so if you haven’t had a chance to check it out in person you still have time to do so and if you missed our special don’t worry because you can catch it anytime by visiting knew decom and CBS News Los Angeles we leave you tonight with one last look from Sky Cal have a wonderful and joyous holiday season everyone good.

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