What are Soft Launch in the 2024 & 2025 FAFSA in Details

Soft Launch in the 2024 & 2025 FAFSA Details
Soft Launch in the 2024 & 2025 FAFSA Details

Hello everybody Welcome hello everyone it’s nice to be back I was here last week and the week before FAFSA Details.

I’m ready to do another session another chat with you Laura to to hopefully share some value and hopefully provide you with some some insights that whether you’re a parent.

Whether you’re a student you learn a thing or two about the college application process and how it can benefit your child how it can benefit you and FAFSA Details if you’re the student.

Yeah as we mentioned we are talking about very important topics and FAFSA Details very relevant topics to the college admissions process specifically with the time of year.

We are in we’re talking FAFSA we’re talking the new SAT the changes to the SAT exam which are going to be pretty pretty big because you know traditionally.

This exam has been pen and paper pencil and paper number two pencil and FAFSA Details there are some changes starting the new year so make sure that you are tuned.

What is FAFSA soft launch?

What is FAFSA soft launch?
What is FAFSA soft launch?

We’ll also be sharing some scholarship tips for you all and yeah as Laura said uh similar to how people make New Year’s resolutions FAFSA Details every year for example mine is going to be to run a marathon.

I’m not a runner so that’ll be almost a religious experience but it seems as though the college application process set out on a similar journey to change a lot of things.

Incorporate a bunch of different components to to their New Year again with between the FAFSA between the SAT or FAFSA Details act they already made some changes to the CSS profil.

So College admissions process is going to look very very different in 2024 than it did in previous years and hopefully by watching this interacting asking your questions you get to learn.

A thing or two about what these Chang are going to be and FAFSA Details how you can capitalize on them why don’t we go ahead and talk a little bit more of today’s topics.

So if you don’t know the FAFSA for the 2024 2025 School cycle so this year’s FAFSA form which seniors in high school and students FAFSA Details.

Who are currently in college who are going to be going back to college next year they need to renew that form because yes the FAFSA does need to be renewed every year.


What are the FAFSA changes for 2024 & 2025?

What are the FAFSA changes for 2024 & 2025?
What are the FAFSA changes for 2024 & 2025?

These students have to fill out a different form and this is the FAFSA 2024 & 2025 and there are some big changes to this form this form in the past has opened not in December not this late in the school year.

It usually opens by October 1st but this year the FAFSA Details will be opening by December 31st according to the fafa’s official website.

I recommend that ERS number one start off by understanding that FAFSA Details they need to complete this form as early as it becomes available.

So that is change number one about the FAFSA another big significant change is the methodology is the the algorithm the calculation through which the form assesses financial needs.

So the form free application for federal student aid is used is not a loan it’s not a grant it’s not a scholarship but rather a form that takes information from the family’s finances.

The past took information like okay everything on your tax returns and then you take a look at how many students are in college at the same time.

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What year does FAFSA use for 2025 & 2026?

What year does FAFSA use for 2025 & 2026?
What year does FAFSA use for 2025 & 2026?

Something called the estimated family contribution the EFC number and FAFSA Details now it calculates for something called the student eight index.

The name is irrelevant the the whole concept is that is a number that assesses the family’s Financial makeup but to keep it simple to not get too technical.

The calculation through which or by which students are able to determine or display their family’s Financial standings it’s a little bit different this year.

In previous year so that is a a big change on top of the date change that FAFSA Details we already discuss so those are two big changes that we want to start off with friend.

I do want to talk about and I do want to share our next topic of conversation in the spirit of it being the end of the year there’s going to be something different in the world of college admissions.

SAT historically this test has been pencil number two pencil uh but starting next year it’s going to be a digital exam they’re going to be adopting that digital test format.

I remember when we were in high school and the the FCAT used to be pencil and FAFSA Details paper um and then they switched it to digital it was a big deal.

We were testing with the traditional model and it became digital and it was something that we had to get used to so this is a big difference a big change that is happening in 2024 personally think.

What is an example of a Soft Launch?

What is an example of a Soft Launch?
What is an example of a Soft Launch?

It’s a great thing simply in terms that everything that you learn at school should be an emulation or should be preparing you for the real world FAFSA Details.

It’s no secret that everything from the way that business is operate the healthcare industry pretty much anything that you can think of is pivoting towards having a digital presence.

A prevalent digital presence so in the capacity in which school can prepare you for what you will be going through throughout real world world in real life.

I think that’s great because It prepares a student to be proactive and to be able to succeed in college and then beyond if if if done properly but the important thing.

There is not to say okay well that’s great well we’re going to take the test on a computer or a tablet and that’s it but rather you have to prepare for it FAFSA Details.

You have to you have to emulate testing conditions inside best college or members get access to study materials complimentary studing materials for both the SAT or act.

How does a soft launch work?

How does a soft launch work?
How does a soft launch work?

Many years all of the materials that we give our students for best college Aid have been digital have been sent to them via Kindle back in the day we used to do ACT test spread plus.

The more that you can get closer to the real thing and prepare for it the best equipped you’re going to be to take that we think that it’s important to always try to prepare to do well to understand.

How to analyze these questions use the resources if you’re a member of best college a use those resources that we provide for you and just really prepare for these exams try to understand.

How to answer these questions imagine that you’re applying to a school right and you are applying to a school that’s test optional and there’s a student who has the same GPA you do football.

They do basketball you both are in NHS so your academic resume is very very similar your essay is both fantastic you both write an amazing essay FAFSA Details.

Write you don’t submit your sat or ACT score because you just didn’t want to you never took it for for whatever reason um and the other student did take the exam try to do well.

What year is FAFSA 2025?

What year is FAFSA 2025?
What year is FAFSA 2025?

Who do you think the college admissions officer is going to admit if that academic profile is very similar of course there’s other factors that come in but having those good standardized test results will definitely be helpful.

When it comes down to that because there are so many people who apply to college especially since test option test optional applications became increasingly optional.

There’s studies you can you can go and Google and look at the University of Virginia Notre Dame and FAFSA Details you can look at recent admission statistics.

How students at test optional schools those two that I mentioned come up the top of my head because I just read about them how admission statistics for students with fairly.

Similar application statistics are twice as favorable towards students who submit good competitive scores than those students who submit a competitive application but with no test scores.

So obviously evidently every school is going to be different but as you said don’t rule out the importance of of a of a good competitive score because it could be the Difference Maker even though.

What are the negatives of a soft launch?

What are the negatives of a soft launch?
What are the negatives of a soft launch?

They’re used for basically the same reason we recommend students choose the test that they perform better in and just stick with that one try to practice study for it.

So uh that’s I guess another free tip that I wanted to share regarding these FAFSA Details standardized tests go ahead and give each one of them an attempt.

If you are a critical thinker that can do the science which is not necessarily super science based it’s more again critical thinking uh if you do that for the ACT and you happen to excel at it.

Then you look at the chart that compares the percentiles your score with the national percental and you see that in one you are significantly ranked better than you know that for the rest of your time.

You should focus on studying for that one and increasing the the percentile the top percentile that you’re at so that should be your baby go ahead and study for that one for the next few years.

That’s what we’ve seen throughout the years and the thousands of students that we’ve helped in best college Aid that’s what we’ve seen yields the best results.

What is required for soft launch?

What is required for soft launch?
What is required for soft launch?

Now let’s share some new scholarship opportunities things that are changing and ways that students can win more scholarships this New Year 2024.

FAFSA Details Let’s start with private scholarships the beauty of them is that there is always a private scholarship available it’s not like the FAFSA.

An app ready for a soft launch should have:

  • A polished state of look.
  • All key features ready.
  • Seven days’ worth of content.
  • The development roadmap locked for the next six months.
  • A test plan for verifying key marketing hypotheses.
  • Tested and completed basic optimized marketing.

It’s not like the CSS profile um and it’s not really like some State scholarship programs that they have deadlines opening dates there’s like a window FAFSA Details.

They’re available and then they close but the beauty about private scholarships is that there’s private scholarships that are available in the summer scholarships that are available right now.

There’s going to be a bunch of private scholarships that are going to be opening up starting 2024 uh so the deadlines do vary start doing the research start looking for those scholarships that will be available in the coming year.

Maybe make a list of those private scholarships that you do qualify for that you should be applying to figuring out maybe it’s in May of 2024 that they’re available maybe it’s in April of 2024.

What is the meaning of soft launch FAFSA Details?

What is the meaning of soft launch FAFSA Details?
What is the meaning of soft launch FAFSA Details?

Maybe it’s not till October make sure that you have an idea of when it opens and if you do qualify based on maybe your nationality maybe your age maybe you have to be a senior maybe it’s available for students.

Who are in middle school and who are in ninth grade so making sure that you know all those things and start applying for those scholarships start creating a plan to apply for private scholarships.

There’s what like like $7 billion what’s the number for private scholarship available private scholarships is like Uber Eats just because you check one time at midnight.

Some restaurants are open some restaurants are closed and you can’t get necessarily what you’re looking for first uh doesn’t mean that there’s not other restaurants that are open and available for you.

So it’s a matter of continuing to look and there are some restaurants that are going to have faster delivery that are going to be right near your area that are going to be open that are offering exact.

What you’re looking for there’s going to be other times where the meal the portions might be a little bit smaller there might be a smaller $500, $1000, $2000 scholarship FAFSA Details.

Is the FAFSA first come first serve?

Is the FAFSA first come first serve?
Is the FAFSA first come first serve?

It might not be the big Cheesecake Factory that is delivering but hey sometimes uh it’s better to eat a a McDonald’s burger than to not eat anything at all treated that way as long as you’re getting food.

I mean bread and by Bread I mean money in your bank account for your education why not it’s one of those beautiful periods in your life in which you can get paid for writing an essay sending your transcripts.

Similar to being young and Uber Eats uh it’s a beautiful moment in your life in which you can eat and not necessarily worry too much about getting weight than you do FAFSA Details.

When you’re older so take advantage of that uh that’s a thought that FAFSA Details I wanted to share in private scholarships all righty so I’m hungry we can tell.

So I hope that those tips were obviously helpful for you apply to private scholarships make a plan Fafsa if you are a senior if your student is a senior in high school for a college student that does have to renew.

How many questions are on the 2024 & 2025 FAFSA?

How many questions are on the 2024 & 2025 FAFSA?
How many questions are on the 2024 & 2025 FAFSA?

They are ready to fill it out because it is going to be available starting next week I hope that you found this presentation this this show you found it informative and you found it entertaining.

It helped you whether you a student whether you a parent watching this uh it helped you also we do have a free training uh if you want to just learn more if you want to learn the secrets to go get accepted to college with scholarships.

Make sure to watch that all the way through because it is fil filled with information filled with uh tips and strategies that can help you and your students so make sure you check that out have a wonderful week and we’ll see you next time bye twin bye twin see you later.

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