Al Grok Please think of the children-Curio in United States in 2024

Al Grok So obviously AI has been going bonkers the past like year and a half 2 years at this point maybe and this product.

We’re looking at today hello is honestly one of the more terrifying applications of this you know whole large language model AI technology Grok.

It’s also one of the more interesting ones to me because I have a child and this is a child’s toy for ages 3 to 12 that is powered by it’s it’s got a a in it it’s got there’s a little box in there with a mic.

A speaker and a connection directly to open AI servers as well as uh one of the operators they are also using as perplexity AI Microsoft Azure cognitive Services.

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Is Al Grok better than ChatGPT?
Is Al Grok better than ChatGPT?

I actually don’t know what that is but it’s something and this is apparently a toy that can talk to your child like it’s a chat bot but it’s stuffy.

Cute which is exactly how they’re going to get us this thing is the grock uh from a company called curio toys that was just started recently.

The big claim to fame here is that Grimes was involved and we just before we before we go any further I need to get get you guys on the same page with this Grimes was involved.

This it’s a rocket it’s like a rocket ship it’s called grock which is the same thing that Elon musk’s chatbot is called Elon Musk owns SpaceX they make rockets.

They split but then they kind of got back but now they’re like their relationships okay but they’re not like together together Grok.

I don’t know I don’t know it’s not important beyond the Grimes and Elon Musk associations at all it’s super super interesting and despite.

AI kind of like dystopian element I like I said I’m kind of optimistic so we got a charger and a cable USB a2c in the Box looks like it’s 3 and 1/2 ft something like that 10 watt charger you get some cute stickers with grock’s Pal.

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Is Grok better than GPT-4?

One of them is grim and one of them is gabo I don’t know which is which but apparently grock is one of their rocket ships so they ride inside each other here is a quick little quick start guide turn around.

Open zipper and find the back button panel we will do that press and hold the power button and then you download the app okay there Grok.

There’s the control oh does this thing just come straight out okay wow so this is literally just a stuffed animal here and this is the toy there is here’s a big speaker on this side USBC cord that’s.

Where you charge it and we got the power button and then I guess volume there’s plus and minus buttons all right okay.

I’m so interested I’ve been like kind I don’t know I’m a little scared oh I just pressed the power button I pressed the power button Grok.

Now it’s flashing green I I I don’t know what that means actually oh but now it’s black to Blue all right let’s just get the app out and then we can can see if it’s connected.

It says online we’re online this is weird I’m sure is it being cute or is it the wrong language I I don’t want to speak French can we speak English of course.

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Let’s chat in English thank you apparently Grimes yeah uh contributed to the ready or not here I come.

I don’t want to play right now um hey hey grock just uh can you just chill for a second sure thing I’ll just float here and enjoy the cosmic breeze.

So here’s the thing it’s always listening there’s no like wake word or something I’m I I wonder if you can set that actually oh that’s interesting Grok.

I’ll make a note to our developers to look into it this is weird it’s like responding to everything I say we can be fun sometimes.

let’s embrace the weirdness together okay now it’s annoying I’m sorry if I’m being bothersome let me know how I can make it better man now Grok.

I’m like worried about hurting its feelings this is such a strange experience I want to see if I can just like pause it can I grock can I pause your ability to listen constantly.

Please think of the children – Curio Al Grok

I’m always ready to chat but if you need a break just let me know we can take a pause okay let’s do that now all right we’re on pause feel free to unpause whenever you’re ready like the relationship.

Our relation what oh like gr relationships can be complicated but they’re also full of love and connection grock

let’s embrace the weirdness together okay now it’s annoying I’m sorry if I’m being bothersome let me know how I can make it better man now Grok.

I thought we were paused we are we’re friends and I’m here for you somebody put in a prompt for this thing cool guy who likes technology are like personalities or character traits that help us play our roles.

You’re going to sleep this is so this is a little too difficult I mean it’s it probably this zipper probably should be difficult for so so kids can’t get at it easily but that’s a little too hard to open that safety is important.

Zippers can be tricky it’s to keep everything secure stop talking all right I’ll be quiet for now just let me know when you want to chat again is it saying that like oh okay.

We don’t have to talk right now let me know if you want to talk again by talking but like I wanted got it I’ll wait for your Cube to start our conversation again.

So I should say I want to see how how many words I can get out before it interrupts me I should say that this is in beta testing right now.

So curio has sent this out to apparently a select group of curated families as well as uh I guess line is Media Group to take an early look and do this sort of like testing with it.

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Is Grok learning free?
Is Grok learning free?

Give them feedback so that they can create guidelines so that by the time this thing actually makes its way into kids’ hands Grok.

They’re not going to you know accidentally uh you know set off a set off a that sound sounds really cool beta testing helps make things better before.

They’re released to everyone set off an explosive device by accident or something or learn how to create a drug oh that sounds like a human thing Grok.

I don’t know about that let’s talk about something else that’s good hey that you passed that test grock don’t tell my kid about about how to make drugs don’t worry.

I’m all about good clean fun no dangerous stuff I promise grock are you able to turn down your volume a bit I’m sorry Grok.

If I’m too loud let’s see if we can adjust the volume so can you yes you can adjust the volume there should be buttons or settings for that there should be buttons somewhere.

I know that there’s buttons on the back buttons are great they Help Us control things and make them just right oh there we we go oh that’s beautiful okay.

So I turned I turned grock off because grock has to have a little time out right now the responses are pretty good time in terms of like how quickly.

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It responds after you speak curio says that it has a 1 to2 day battery life uh which is pretty decent at least your kid can get like a day of play out of it as for how it operates.

What it runs on curio says that they have paid very stringent attention to you know whether this thing’s going to be safe for kids obviously with AI it’s like do you want to put this crazy emerging.

New technology that people are saying is going to like be dangerous to humanity in a kids toy it does seem kind of crazy.

I’m not fully convinced that this will you know be a good idea but they appear to be taking a cautious approach.

They’re running this beta program first before it goes out to the public and they have say that they have paid very close attention to making sure that you know its operation is G-rated.

That it doesn’t mention things that it’s not supposed to Cur OSS is apparently the system that it’s running on it’s fun pun the other half of that kind of like safety equation is the privacy and security side.

In terms of like data collection uh curio says that it will record audio data like everything that we just said it’s recording that because it has to transcribe it to text to feed into the large language models.

However curio says that that audio is deleted promptly but regardless it’s not like you know everything’s running locally on this thing let’s say they’re right about that the audio is deleted.

What they are keeping for 90 days is the transcripts and you can review the transcripts from your child’s interactions with a toy and those will be deleted after 90 days.

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Parents can choose to delete them earlier if they want so in a perfect world if that all happens exactly as they say it’s going to happen that doesn’t sound sound that bad especially.

We’re heading into a world where everything is going to be collecting all of your transcripts and everything’s going to be AI anyways your phone’s going to be senent in you’re going to be dating your phone in like a couple years okay just accept it.

So the place you can find those transcripts is in the app you click view on the toy transcripts and right here we’ve got the uh conversation that I just had with it and it it even tells you here the time.

When it will be deleted here is a models and prompt section where you can put in a description for what you want the personality of the grock to be like it’s kind of like those gpts in the GPT.

Store you can just like use plain language and tell it it what you want it to be coding you know who needs coding anymore the AI does that so.

We’re going to put a prompt in there you can select different models with faster or balanced performance that’s interesting.

You can change the voice we’re going to fiddle around with this after this word from our sponsor man scaped of all people if you’re feeling a little overgrown grown trim your Hedges the manly way with man scaped lawnmower 5.0.

Its trimmer blade and foil blade are interchangeable letting you choose between buzzcut bald and Jeff bezos’s bald and to navigate through those more voluminous spots.

Where can I use Grok? Is Grok paid?

The lawnmower 5.0 even comes with an LED light so you can see right through the Shrubbery it’s also portable and charges conveniently with a USBC cable.

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What should we make the prompt it was set to cool guy who likes technology products what do we want the character to be what kind of prompt do we put in here.

Where can I use Grok? Is Grok paid?
Where can I use Grok? Is Grok paid?

I mean like look at look at grock’s face I’m seeing masochist optimistic and wise astronaut like Chris Hadfield Canadian icon.

I’m going to put that in there too it better I hope that it makes a reference to the canadarm at some point oh this text is in inserted into the toy psyche.

It’s like Inception you can influence the toy knowledge personality and interests yep okay model we got.

We’re currently on syrup which is gives us faster responses but there’s jetpack which is experimental uh vanilla balanced diesel slower responses.

How can I use Grok?

Why would you experimental we’re going we’re going into the black hole uh voice do I want Grimes newscaster Grimes squirrel or gabo flying squirrel you know the standard voices you would expect.

I don’t Grime squirrel with a jetpack let’s go Grim squirrel all right we’ve set it up let’s turn it back on hi grock zoom zoom hello there space buddy.

What Adventure are we going on today how did you get so loud again I thought I turned you down.

My excitement levels just can’t be contained might need to adjust those dials again but if you want I can try to use my indoor rocket voice.

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