Hey folks today is Friday December 1st Believe It or Not 2023 as usual my name is ARSANNEWX here to talk about all the video game news that has been going on this week now GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE before we jump into it uh let’s do what we often do with this show uh and give you some goodies GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE.

This is a new Unreal Engine 5 Tech demo that’s been GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE making the rounds with some pretty crazy Graphics this is a realtime Forest demonstration this is all running in updated Unreal Engine 5 uh this is by Ma a wi United or Maui United.

I mean look look at this I they titled the video the GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE most realistic Forest ever in in like a video game forest and I tend to agree with that it’s not really for me the level of detail like the Fauna of course it is but uh it’s really the lighting and how GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE that all goes down and you can check out  of course.

It will all be linked in the description down below as well as everything else I talk about this week but this is running on an RTX 490 it is a 100% procedurally generated it’s four square color.


  • Kilometers this is photogrammetry scanned assets that’s GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE why you get a lot of the detail in the plants this is ultra highres Nite foliage and Lumen Dynamic lighting and virtual Shadow maps that really makes the lighting.
  • How it goes through the leaves and the trees GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE just look so realistic there’s player camera like foliage interaction so the stuff will move and there’s full Dynamic wind so the developer listed all of this to describe.
  • How all this comes together my GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE question Still Remains like it does every time we show off stuff like this Unreal Engine 5 the tool set that game makers use it seems like GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE it’s making it easier than ever to make really good-looking games.

So I just wonder when we’re going to actually see this level of Fidelity in our mainstream regular old video games is it a matter of years or decades I don’t know but I did see that pop off and it was pretty interesting.

  • So we wanted to share GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE it as well as something from a little bit over a week ago titled Sanctuary this is from Tuma sha on uh YouTube and this is less gaming focused more Cinematic F focused uh this person created the jungles of Thailand in Unreal Engine 5 specifically with a lot of lumen.

It’s pretty gorgeous of GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE course the other big bit of news this week uh this kind of came last minute Friday morning but we now know when we’re going to actually see the next Grand Theft Auto.

Did GTA 6 get a traler GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE?

  • I mean now it’s an announcement for an announcement Rockstar said a trailer was coming in December and now they’ve posted we know trailer 1 for the next GTA is coming Tuesday December 5th at 9:00 a.m. Eastern.
  • So that’s New York time that’s my time so now you know when you’re going to hear a little bit from Rockstar officially like up the next Grand Theft Auto.
  • So we’ll probably make a reaction video GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE and all stuff like that so again not a lot of news with it other than that now you know when you can set your alarm so to speak what do we expect in all honesty I’m hoping something like the original reveal for Grand Theft Auto 5.
  • A little bit more of something that just sets the GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE stage sets the scene the tone a little bit of the story and has tons to speculate on I feel like the game is still a little bit of a ways out but who knows they have been working on it for a really long time

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Is GTA 6 realistic?

So maybe this will be a full-fledged Gameplay trailer I don’t know either way at this point speculating it’s not really worth it since we are getting this official reveal pretty soon GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE the next story I wanted to talk about has been making headlines quite a bit.

It’s uh Bethesda responding to criticism or negative reviews on Steam of Starfield In Articles and social media screenshots have circulated of uh like Bethesda customer support or the Bethesda team responding directly to customer steam review type things not GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE really clapping back or anything like that but just kind of like explaining some like some people complaining about loading screens.

Then they went into uh describing why the game has loading screens it’s a little off puddingGTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE I would say I I think a lot of people are kind of mythed by this I’ve seen people like really running with this.

I don’t really think it’s like a big deal or anything like that but GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE it is worthy of a chuckle I do want to point out though what this is isn’t necessarily in my opinion damage controller or anything like that uh it is a a tactic that GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE we actually see smaller developers use more independently published.

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Will GTA 6 have more interiors?

  • Games smaller Publishers smaller developers live and GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE die by Steam Reviews it’s like part of the algorithm it’s part of recognition it’s part of the whole thing.
  • So a lot of the times developers uh developer GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE Community uh you know tech support type people will respond to negative Steam Reviews for their games in the hopes of converting that pissed-off customer to a positive customer sometimes uh a lot of Developers.
  • That I’ve spoken to uh think that you can really convert with GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE kindness and even if somebody spent money on the game and it’s not running well.
  • If they get responded directly to uh by a developer that says hey we’re working on it or hey we’re sorry it goes a long way so on a bigger scale with Bethesda doing that approach it’s weird.
  • I don’t know if necessarily they should GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE I don’t know I don’t make the rules it’s like on the one hand at least they’re not thinking they’re above it like that.
  • They’re willing to weigh into the pool GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASEof reviews but for many people not a good look I don’t know I just feel like there’s always a fire Firestorm of controversy around Starfield but hey it’s.

An interesting story for sure and it sparked some interesting conversations so let me know what you think this stool is going to break any day now do you hear it.

What is GTA 6 being made on?

It’s like why do I always get the GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE most rickety stools for the show what are we what are we doing here uh but with Starfield at Xbox speaking of that jumping on over to uh some interesting quotes it seems like at this point Microsoft wants Xbox game pass on everything.

According to Gamespot Xbox CFO GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASETim Stewart said during like a big rich people investor Summit thing that they want to make first party games and Game Pass available on and I quote every screen that can play games and that also means other consoles and stuff.

He said and I quote it’s a bit of a change of strategy not announcing anything broadly here but our mission is to bring our first party experiences and our subscription services to GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE every screen that can play games that means Smart TVs that means mobile devices that means.

What we would have thought of as competitors in the past like PlayStation GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE and Nintendo also he said specifically that like Game Pass is a high margin business for Microsoft GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE and they just want to get it out there everywhere and generate.

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Will GTA 6 have a bigger map?

So this to me just sounds like from one of the top head corpos not a Phil Spencer who is a head but is more of like a hey man like this is just from a corpo who and GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE I’m sorry I’m using that phrase but like it’s.

It’s just in my lexicon now a corporate person saying what the company is really going to do because other Executives can say one things but when it’s a hire up like a CFO which is Chief finan cial officer their concern is the money.

I guess for right now it is really to make Bank on the whole Xbox game pass thing at least that’s GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE how I read into this I know I kind of stumbled through explaining that I’m not very smart but yeah hey now Switching gears over here real quick to talk.

Today’s sponsor it’s vessie now if you’re new to the channel you might not know that vessie GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE has been providing Dependable comfortable Footwear to us for years now we’ve been recommending them forever and that is specifically.

Will GTA 6 be a woman?

Because it’s great Footwear they have a bunch of different styles shapes colors for every person every occasion but also of course they are 100% waterproof like yeah really but they don’t feel like waterproof shoes.

  • They just feel like regular old shoes but GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE they keep your feet cool in the summer and warm in the winter they just work and speaking of the winter lately I’ve been rocking the Ulta high top this is kind of like a hybrid between a bit of a boot and also a high top my favorite style of sneaker.
  • So they’ve been crushing it this winter I mean it’s actually it’s not winter yet but it feels like winter and these are getting the job done and if you haven’t noticed vessie has you covered for everything now at this point for a few years now they’ve offered waterproof gloves.

Will GTA 6 be a woman?

  • Which we’ve been recommending for a GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE while now I showed them off last time we talked about vessie they’re waterproof they’re great and also they offer the overcast jacket this is again waterproof.

It’s cozy on the inside so again for like whatever you need to wear whatever type of weather vessie at this point really has you covered it’s a good way to get out there get adventuring get a little wet.

  • So uh if you do want to check GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE them out and it does support the show just head to vessie decom game ranks again that’s vessie dcom game ranks for a hookup and big thanks to vessie for sponsoring also in other news.
  • A slight update on The Witcher 4 uh which is an actual thing it is GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE code named Polaris uh at this point just under 50% of CD project red has moved on to working on that project the other team is probably working on cleaning up cyberpunk stuff uh CD project red.
  • Did announce that there’s another cyberpunk update coming soon GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE with some tweaks and enhancements uh then also CD project red has a lot of other projects going on but the plan is for more people to keep jumping on this witch or four project .

When GTA 6 will release?

We’re probably not going to see it anytime soon I’m sorry I don’t want to be like the bearer of bad news but there’s a reason right now why all we get are these little tiny updates and the game still just has a code name it it’s because it’s a ways off still it is interesting.

If you’re looking for more insight I Linked In the description down below uh GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE Gamespot put out a really good 30 minute documentary on cyberpunk 2077 n CD project red uh they basically documented right before the Phantom Liberty expansion launch.

They really talked to the developers about the fact that after CD project red launched cyberpunk 2077 they were like oh we messed up we need to GTA 6 TRAILER RELEASE rethink things and like pull ourselves up here so basically a lot of inside baseball on how the entire company had to reorganize and restructure and changes.

How they make their games it’s a really good watch documentary if you’re interested in that stuff whether you like cyberpunk or not it’s just an interesting insight into how games are made so that will be linked in the description down below.

Will GTA 6 trailer break the Internet?

I highly recommend that but yeah ultimately I am curious to see like whether that philosophy and this newly.

  • So quote unquote reformed CD project red is going to be taking that approach for The Witcher four and Beyond who knows but at the very least now they have a big pile of money to work on more games.
  • Hopefully improve things uh next up and something I never expected there’s a new Tribes game coming out tribes 3 Rivals is an actual thing this is going to be on PC through Steam and epic.

Eventually on consoles there are play tests taking place soon uh there is a Gameplay trailer out there you can see it on screen here uh some of you younger folks might be like that looks boring that does not look exciting tribes was the a long time ago it was awesome so the way.

  • I’m looking at this uh with Half-Life kind of getting a Resurgence and the half-life multiplayer stuff being revived for the 25th anniversary uh.

I’ve seen a lot of that online where it’s just chaotic death match in small Arenas so we have that and now we have more tribes.

Who is GTA 6 main character?

 I’m really hoping for a Resurgence of like some old school style stuff it never really went away you know people are still playing quake and stuff like that but the more the merrier as far as I’m concerned next up some stuff.

 I have Linked In the description down below uh the first is a trailer for Batman uh the Arkham Trilogy coming to Nintendo switch.

We now know it’s dropping December 1 with that shiny new uh Batson or Robert patson uh the Batman suit that kind of leaked out early a couple weeks back boy does it look good also just speaking of like Arkham Batman Rock stuff.

If you did get in uh it seems like those play tests those like you know private Alpha play tests are now going down for Suicide Squad kill the Justice League if you signed up for those I don’t know if we’re going to hear anything come out of that again but yeah.

Who is the female lead in GTA 6?

If you signed up check your email or something like that uh but also linked in description down below uh is a bunch of Game Pass stuff that is coming in December uh if you guys are interested in that on this show we don’t usually share every single week and break down stuff coming to Playstation Plus or Xbox game pass.

This was kind of a big significant drop for some people so I figured I’d mention it also Capcom showed off a lot more Dragon’s Dogma 2o uh there was a showcase this week with a bunch of gameplay and it seems uh like from from what we’ve seen here uh that is pretty much everything.

That Dragon’s Dogma fans have wanted again we’ll have to judge the final product when we get our hands on it but still this is pretty exciting so far and with Rockstar announcing that the look of Grand Theft Auto is coming soon uh.

If you’re looking for something to pass the time until then uh we got a new video from GTA 6 o‘ yes I they the channel used to be GTA 5 o’clock now it’s GTA 6 o’clock uh with just some insights and speculation but uh.

Who is the girl in GTA 6?

They were a channel I watched a lot back in the day for GTA 5 and they’re back at it again so many so many years later and it’s already a great first video so if you just like listening to stuff like that I link that in the description down below also Resident Evil 4 VR is launching on Playstation VR 2 December 8th.

 We got a new announcement of that also that there is like a free version or like a demo coming the same day I think I’m going to be playing the hell out of this uh I tested Resident Evil Village VR for the psvr2.

It was it was really challenging but I feel like Resident Evil 4 just lends itself to VR so well I mean the Resident Evil 4 VR for the old version was great so I’m expecting good stuff from this too also believe it or not Vanity Fair.

This week had the first look at the Amazon Fallout TV series yes this is a real thing and kind of looks like it’s the real deal again we have it could be terrible I have no idea but some of the images that have come out look pretty sweet.

Where is GTA 6 located?

We see like Brotherhood of Steel we see airships we see abandoned buildings we see vaults we see vault tech suits uh we also see Walton gogins as a ghoul which just that seems like an incredible Choice I’m going to show up just for that as a movie.

 If it looks like they’re going for like Fallout aesthetic but a little bit of like some grungy Western type stuff maybe channeling a little new Vegas uh apparently this is actually also going to be canon in the Fallout timeline which is interesting.

That’s you know be careful with that guys we’ll we’ll see how that goes uh uh this series may also according to reports reveal the origin behind the Vault boy symbol there’s a lot here I I hope it’s good I always root for video game things to be good we don’t know for sure but as of right now.

 Feast your eyes on these images and I’ve linked the Vanity Fair article just kind of like about the making of it and stuff down in the description and I want to know what you guys think think honestly but that’s the show this week.

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Who is the first lady in GTA?

So I want to know what you think about all the video game news it’s a bit of a quiet week but next week uh the avatar game is dropping the day before is dropping and the game awards are going down so yeah hopefully.

We get some good juice out of that so let me know what you think in the comments about everything we’ve talked about you know from uh what do I have on my list here oh yeah Bethesda and the Starfield review thing that gorgeous Unreal Engine 5 Forest.

  • A new Tribes game and of course most importantly what do you play as this weekend it’s for our research so we can tailor some videos and some lists and news to you guys so in the pinned comment below.
  • This video it’s going to say like what games are you playing let us know thanks but that’s it really so if you want to find me you can yell at me directly on Twitter and Instagram and threads at Jake baldino.
  • My other YouTube channel uh Jake balino my name but that’s it thank you guys have a great weekend be safe I’m Jake baldino Pizza is on me.

Hello! I am Arsannewx, I am Professtional International Writer and Founder of this Arsannewx and shere all informtion related to USA News, Finance, Loan, Lawyer, Technology, Sports, Money, Automobile through this website.

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