House formally approves Biden impeachment inquiry 2024

Their expertise their guidance and their support to nurture these exceptional student athletes coach Heather pavick and assistant coach Casey Dale have also committed themselves to shaping not just skilled players but also well-rounded student athletes Biden impeachment inquiry on behalf of all the people of Pennsylvania’s 13th congressional district Biden impeachment inquiry 2023.

 Biden impeachment inquiry?
Biden impeachment inquiry

I congratulate Juniata College Eagles under the leadership of President Jim Troha and wish them every continued success in the years to come thank you MR Speaker and Biden impeachment inquiry I yield the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from Michigan MR Le for five minutes MR chair.

We know that oil and water don’t mix but right now there is a dirty oil pipeline called line five running through the most critical part of the Great Lakes operated by a company called called Enbridge with a disturbing history of Biden impeachment inquiry faulty infrastructure and environmental destruction a line five spill would be catastrophic catastrophic for the Great Lakes region.

Which year was Joe Biden born?

The entire country the Great Lakes hold 20% of the world’s fresh service water are and our is home as we all know to the precious ecosystems in wildlife and Biden impeachment inquiry tens of millions of people rely on them for Water jobs Recreation we cannot allow the water rely on to live the water that helps make Michigan.

A special place for so many to be sacrificed for corporate greed the good news is that President Biden could end Biden impeachment inquiry this threat today by revoking line five’s presidential permit and committing to the truth that water is life that it is critical to protect I call upon Biden Administration to stand with the people of the Great Lakes.

 Biden impeachment inquiry?

Shut down line five once and for all today big Banks bring in billions and profits while Financial systems promote inequality and Biden impeachment inquiry instability for many of our families right now millions of people Millions majority being people of color lack access to checking or savings accounts but an alternative does exist.

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We can build a democratic Financial system that puts the livelihoods of our residents above private profit and greed instead of serving Wall Street public and Biden impeachment inquiry postal Banks can ensure that everyone has access to basic Financial Services instead of investing billions ions of dollars annually in fossil fuels like JP mortgage Chase or Wells Fargo does public Banks can facilitate.

The transformative changes that our communities deserve like real affordable housing disaster preparedness and Biden impeachment inquiry clean energy future that creates real jobs for all that’s why representative Ocasio Cortez.

I are introducing public Banking Act of 2023 which provides a regulatory institutional framework for the recreation for the creation of state and Biden impeachment inquiry local public Banks like that at the bank of North Dakota which has been incredibly successful for over a century.

I urge my colleagues to please join us in supporting a financial system that works for everyone Mr Speaker I want to take a moment to celebrate incredible accomplishments that my team and Biden impeachment inquiry I have been able to do on behalf of our constituents at the beginning of the year.

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What number president is Biden?

We opened three neighborhood service centers in Detroit iner and Southfield through the neighborhood service centers Biden impeachment inquiry we have returned $5.5 million and constituent services that goes directly directly to the hands of 8,000 residents returning over 306,000 alone this year we served and responded to over 164,000 letters from our neighbors that advocated ranging from clean water clean air uh utilities for all housing for all.

  • So much more we’ve hosted and participated in over 120 events including Coffee hours and town halls and resource fairs and Biden impeachment inquiry more really trying to help our families get through everyday challenges and issues our legislative advocacy has spanned from affordable housing to medical debt cancellation.
  • Ending auto insurance discrimination once and for all we’ve introduced 160 bills MR Speaker and amendments and 39 of them have actually passed this year Biden impeachment inquiry we celebrated Oney year anniversary of the Congressional Mama’s caucus.

Where we are committed to advocating working mothers and their families on issues of affordable child care paid leave black maternal health and Biden impeachment inquiry economic Justice the accomplishes would not be possible without our residents so thank you from believing in me and sending me here to Congress to do the people’s work.

Who is our 49th President! Biden impeachment inquiry?

It has been truly an honor to serve you and to be your congresswoman this is just the beginning of what we all can continue to accomplish I Yi gent from Pennsylvania MR Thompson five minutes I’m sorry MR Thompson thank you MR Speaker MR Speaker I Rise today to recognize 10 outstanding students across Pennsylvania’s 15th congressional district who’ve been awarded the Benjamin a Gilman International Scholarship the Gilman program is named after former Congressman Benjamin a Gilman who served in Congress from 1973 to 2003.

He was chair of the house international relations committee and represented Upstate New York established in 2001 the Gilman program as part of the state Department’s Bureau of Education Ntional and Biden impeachment inquiry cultural Affairs the scholarship sponsors the students to study or intern abroad during the Academic Year.

This program is an important part of the federal government’s effort to expand and diversify us study abroad and Biden impeachment inquiry allows Americans to gain the global competencies that are crucial to our national security and our economic Prosperity since 2001 this program has allowed more than 41,000 Americans from 1,3 50 US colleges universities to study or intern in more than 160 countries.

How long is Biden in his term?

The Gilman program advances peop to people diplomacy and strengthens America’s role in the global Marketplace the Gman program continues to expand the American student population that Biden impeachment inquiry studies abroad with nearly 70% of Gilman Scholars identifying as students of color 60% from small towns or rural parts of the United States.

Nearly 50% are first generation college students congratulations to Reiek B Bacha Chero a student from Penn State University studying in India Ashlin bird of lomman County a student at drexell University studying in the United Kingdom Devon dansy of Union County a student at susqu Hannah University studying in Ghana.

Center County a student at junat College studying in the United Kingdom U Shaunie gka of Venango County a student at College for Creative Studies studying in Italy uh shur uh hop of Center County a student at the University of Pittsburgh studying in Spain Kimberly Johnson of Potter County a student at Drexel studying in Italy uh Luke K of SNY County.

Who is the vice president of CEO?

A student at the University of Pittsburgh studying in India uh root Pier of Union County a student at Bucknell studying in Ireland and Casey Bennett or Casey Senate of Center County a student at Penn State University studying in Italy Biden impeachment inquiry these students are currently studying or earn interning across the world good luck in your studies and enjoy your time abroad.

  • MR Speaker and I yield back the balance of my time the chair now recognizes the gentleman from Louisiana MR Carter for five minutes speaker Ash Adent to address the house for five minutes and without objection thank you MR Speaker.
  • I rise today to congratulate an extraordinary talent and a force in the world of college football LSU’s jayton Daniels the recipient of this year’s Heisman Trophy jayton your Biden impeachment inquiry journey has been remarkable defined by grit determination and a love for the game winning the Heisman is not just a personal Victory.
  • It’s a testament to the countless hours of hard work sacrifice and unwavering support for your teammates and coaches it truly takes a village your skill on the field has captivated fans and your leadership has inspired generations of future athletes Jaden as you hold this coveted trophy know that you’ve etched your name in football history and Louisiana history congratulations on this well-deserved honor.

What was the shortest presidency in the world?

I know would be a stepping stone to even greater Heights thank you Mr Speaker once again I rise today to celebrate the Pastoral Ann iversary of Bishop Lester love and Pastor Fran love 25 years of faithful leadership have shaped the city of love into a Beacon of Hope and inspiration Bishop Lester love has shephered the city of love with a Clear Vision his exemplary leadership has not only guided his congregation but has become a blueprint for Leadership Excellence in churches and corporations alike alongside him Prophet Fran love a woman of unfa unwavering faith has demonstrated her commitment to social justice through initiatives like the daughters of life.

Love doll I admire her active devotion by uplifting others in serving Mankind and womankind today together they’ve led the seed of love with passion and Biden impeachment inquiry commitment to community service their Outreach organization love 365 has touched thousands of lives beyond the pulpit Bishop love and Prophet Fran love have become pillars of support in the greater.

New Orleans Community they fluence extends far beyond the walls of the city of love reaching into the hearts and lives of those they touch as I congratulate this remarkable couple I also want to express my gratitude for their friendship and guidance May the next chapter of your Journeys be filled with continued blessings and fulfillment for the mission of love.

Which president never weighed more than 100 pounds?

The people that you serve I rise today to celebrate the Valor and resilience of the Manford Point Marines whose Invincible Spirit has left a permanent mark on our nation’s history 80 years in the making eight courageous Biden impeachment inquiry New Orleans received the Congressional Metal of Honor this November a long overdue recognition of their pivotal role.

The first African-Americans to join the Marines their names are private first class Granville Jack Alexander first sergeant Nolan a Marshall senor Staff Sergeant Charles E Allen senior Corporal George a dpri senior first class private first class Andrew J Leblon staff sergeant Melvin o parent senior.

Private first class Lloyd B Willis senior these Heroes who fought to fight fought to fight for America and made a way from no way faced the adversity head on and did it with pride and honor barred from the national Marine boot camp they persevered at mfor Point enduring grueling training in overcoming the stigma that African-Americans couldn’t serve as Marines.

How many presidents have been assassinated?

They not only served honorably but they blazed the trail for 20,000 African-Americans who followed in their Footsteps in 1949 Mumford point was decommissioned but their legacy endures their sacrifice paav the way for diversity and inclusion in the Marine Corps as we proudly Embrace their proud history.

Their service today thank you for your incredible service God bless you and God bless America I you back the chair recognizes the gentleman from Nebraska Mr bacon for five minutes thank you Mr Speaker I rise today to recognize the Valiant actions of two Air Force officers from our community who placed their own physical safety on the back burner to save citizens from a burning vehicle crash Captain Zack Evans a pilot with a third heft Squadron.

Captain Joshua Sadler an mq9 Reaper pilot with the 65th Special Special Operations Squadron not just Heroes but are Biden impeachment inquiryson’s from Nebraska and I’m proud to say that one of them Captain Evans is a former member of our District staff but Captain when Zach joined the Air Force I knew you would go far needless to s ay Zach and Josh are both living up to if not surpassing all expectations.

Who was the 2nd US President?

Bringing great honor to our community on May 5th of this year Captain Evans and Captain Joshua Sadler good friends and graduates of University of Nebraska witnessed a truck driving erratically on a poorly lit Road in do Delaware the truck swerved between lanes cross mediums.

Ignoring traffic signals Captain Evans and Sadler called 911 to report the driver and kept a safe distance however the driver soon ran a red light directly into an SUV resulting in in a burning two-car Collision they pulled over and along with two civilians assisted the victims in both vehicles while Captain Sadler attended to the tra people in the SUV Captain Evans at Great personal restom s sprad.

It to the burning truck to remove the suspected drunk driver who had two broken legs from the vehicle thankfully Captain Evans saved the man just before the truck became fully engulfed in flames Captain Evans and Captain salor stayed with the victims until the First Responders arrived on scene and remained to direct traffic Captain Evans.

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Captain Sadler were each recognized on October 23rd with the city of do gold medal for their life-saving actions were presented with the do police department’s Distinguished Citizen Award I salute both Captain Evans and Captain salor with and the two civilians for their actions.

MR Speaker I rise today to recognize Barbara Feldon who after 43 years of honorable service to our country as an eled Airman in the Air Force and as a senior in Germany is retiring.

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